Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Time Check and a Look Back

1:00 P.M. - Time Mayor Finkbeiner's press conference near Southwyck was supposed to start Tuesday afternoon.
1:35 P.M. - Time Mayor Finkbeiner arrived at the press conference location.

Moving on.

Here are some photos from last weeks adventures.

The Killa' Grillaz' at the Delta Chicken Festival. I can't even remember how many thousands of pounds of chicken they were planning on cooking at the festival.

A couple shots of the Polish Fest. Thanks Stanley's Meats. They kept our crew full.

The festival queen herself.

This is how I see the world.

These final photos below are from a former bank in Fostoria. It's now the home of a drug task force. I am told that the little grey marks above the door are bullet holes left by Al Capone himself. Rumor has it that Scarface robbed the bank back in the day (yeah I said, "back in the day"), and before taking a hostage out of the bank, he shot up this part of the bank. If anybody knows about this, I'd love to hear the real story. This could really use a Fact Check.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Best Word of Advice is to end your search. Do to the fact there is still people and gangs and (family members) that might not appreciate your findings i personally would like to hear more i can give you two things of fact. He and Scarface were in fostoria at that bank but was stoped by rival gang members. And Al Capone was in toledo him and licovolie.. I will sign anonomously for yours and others saftey need any help though just cantact me if you ask many people will shake their heads or walk away quickly this is not a subject to be researching unless a proper agent.